Case Study
Streamlined Security and Efficiency for Georgia’s Office of the State Treasurer

Streamlined Security and Efficiency for Georgia's Office of the State Treasurer


The Georgia Office of the State Treasurer (OST) faced several challenges amplified by the COVID-19 situation. The key business challenges included:
  • Remote Work Environment: The need to support employees operating outside the on-premises network due to remote work arrangements
  • Budget Cuts: Rising budget constraints necessitated finding cost-effective solutions.
  • Heightened Security Posture: The sensitive and confidential nature of the OST's operations required an enhanced security posture.

Proposed Solution

People Tech engaged with the OST to address these challenges with the following objectives:
  • Security Posture Assessment: Analyze the current Azure environment and identify areas for improving security.
  • Remote Work Environment Management: Configure features to enhance management and security of the remote work environment.
  • Heightened Security Posture: The sensitive and confidential nature of the OST's operations required an enhanced security posture.
The solution involved leveraging various Microsoft technologies and practices, including:
  • Microsoft Surface devices for improved device management and monitoring.
  • Azure Active Directory (AD) for identity management.
  • Multifactor Authentication (MFA) with conditional access to enforce secure login conditions.
  • Windows Hello for Business for strong two-factor authentication.
  • Microsoft Intune for device compliance policies and secure data access.
  • Device configuration profiles for automatic device configurations using Microsoft Autopilot.
  • Azure Sentinel for reporting and better decision-making.

People Tech’s solution encompassed the following steps:

Adoption of Microsoft Surface Devices: Implementing modern endpoint devices for remote employees to enhance device management practices. 

Security Policy Assessment: Assessing the OST’s existing security policies and configurations on Azure, such as Multifactor Authentication and Microsoft Intune Device Compliance.

Solution Design: Designing a solution by aligning the OST’s existing policies with Microsoft’s recommended practices and settings. 

Implementation and Testing: Working closely with the OST, People Tech implemented the designed solution. This included creating test groups to verify the new policies for Microsoft Intune and Multifactor Authentication, as well as enabling FIDO2 security key login access with Windows Hello for Business.

Autopilot Configuration: Configuring Autopilot for newly procured Microsoft Surface devices to streamline device enrollment on Microsoft Intune, minimizing user assistance.


The collaboration between People Tech and the Georgia OST led to the following outcomes:

Enhanced Security Posture: The implementation of Azure AD, MFA, Windows Hello for Business, and Microsoft Intune bolstered the OST’s security posture, ensuring secure access and data protection.

Efficient Remote Work Environment: The adoption of Microsoft Surface devices and the configuration of device management features facilitated better management and monitoring of remote employees’ devices.

Cost Optimization:The OST achieved cost-effective solutions without compromising security or functionality by leveraging Microsoft technologies and practices.

Streamlined Device Enrollment:The configuration of Autopilot simplified the device enrollment process for newly procured Microsoft Surface devices, reducing the need for user assistance.


People Tech successfully addressed the challenges faced by the Georgia Office of the State Treasurer. The implementation of Microsoft technologies and practices resulted in an enhanced security posture, improved remote work environment management, and cost optimization. The collaboration between People Tech and the OST demonstrates the effectiveness of leveraging Microsoft’s solutions to meet the unique requirements of government organizations. The OST is now well-equipped to navigate the challenges of remote work and maintain a secure and efficient operation.

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