The Enterprise
Journey into
Generative AI

Build a Strategy for Enterprise-Ready Generative AI
The time has come to get started

Generative AI, especially large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Bard,
and Bin, will fundamentally change the way we do knowledge work. These
technologies can automate many of the tasks that are currently done by
humans, which will lead to significant cost savings.

Companies that are able to adopt generative AI early will gain a competitive
advantage. Those that wait will be left behind.

Now is the time to start experimenting with generative AI use cases. It is also important
to start developing a generative AI strategy. This strategy should help you to:

This flipbook is a guide for data and analytics leaders. It will help you to develop a generative AI strategy and position your company for success in this new era of AI.

The Potential of
Generative AI is truly Tangible


In David Graeber’s book “Bullshit Jobs: A Theory,  “he highlights a pervasive issue in modern organizations: the mundane and uninspiring nature of work. Graeber coins the term “bullshit jobs” to describe these roles that, while deemed essential, often fail to
tap into the unique human abilities of creativity, intelligence, and judgment.

One potential solution to this problem is the use of Generative AI. By automating these monotonous tasks and applying similar AI-driven methods to various other value-enhancing activities, both employees and organizations can benefit. It’s essential for you, your colleagues, groups, and executives to understand that a Generative AI strategy goes far beyond just implementing chatbots. The ultimate objective is to imbue a wide range of business processes across your entire organization with human-like cognitive abilities. This approach can revolutionize the way work is done, leading to greater efficiency, innovation, and job satisfaction Now is the time to start experimenting with generative AI use cases. It is also important to start developing a generative AI strategy. This strategy should help you to:

The main idea is to make processes in your business smarter,
like how humans think.

This change is not just about saving money, but also about finding new ways to make money and giving customers better experiences. For a long time, AI developers wanted this, and now, with the latest AI technology, it’s becoming possible.

The hype around
Generative AI is justified

Generative AI models’ capabilities have surpassed even their developer’s expectations. This technology is leading the way us into a new era.

We are still in the early stages of adopting Generative AI in the enterprise. Businesses are rightly risk-averse when it comes to adopting new technologies. They need to fully
understand the performance and capabilities of Generative AI before they can adopt it widely.

That said, the transformation of businesses by Generative AI is inevitable. The technology is too powerful and too versatile to be ignored. In the coming years, we will see Generative AI being used in a wide variety of applications, from product design to customer service to marketing.


What Sets Generative AI Apart?

For many years, people have been working on and using technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. It’s interesting to note that a crucial technology called Generative AI, which relies on something called “transformer models, ” has been around since 2017.

The big AI models we see today, often called “foundation models,” are important because they serve as the building blocks for other AI systems. They’re quite different from what we had before. These models are huge and use a new kind of architecture. This is possible because of all the research on neural networks and the increased availability of powerful cloud computing.

One of the important things about these foundation models is that they come pretrained. What’s groundbreaking here is that you can achieve really impressive results even with smaller sets of data when you use these models. This has the potential to make AI more accessible to a wider range of people.

Today’s foundation models are more powerful and versatile than ever before. They can:

These capabilities are made possible by the fact that foundation models are trained on massive datasets of text and code. This allows them to learn the statistical relationships between words and phrases, which gives them a deep understanding of language.

Foundation models are still under development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. They could be used to create more
natural and engaging chatbots, to improve the accuracy of machine translation, and to
develop new ways of generating creative content.
Today’s foundation models are more powerful and versatile than ever before. They can:
Here are some specific examples of how foundation models are being used today:


These are just a few examples of the many ways that foundation models are being used today. As these models continue to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications in the years to come.

The above examples in the original text all involve the generation of text, such as product descriptions, blog posts, and social media ads. Automated generation is not limited to text. It is also being used to generate images and videos, and the technology for doing this is rapidly improving. Businesses are starting to use automated generation to create marketing materials that are tailored to their target audience.

These models do not always produce the same output when given the same input. This is because they are trained on large amounts of data, and the data is not always perfectly consistent. These models make use of randomness in their training process. This randomness can introduce variability into the output of the models, which is why they do not always produce the same output when given the same input.

The stochastic nature of these models can make it difficult to use them in certain situations. For example, if a business needs to generate many marketing materials that are
all the same, then it may not be possible to use a stochastic model.

Understanding the Dual Tiers of Generative AI

Early AI was like a horse-drawn carriage, but generative AI models are like automobiles. They have the potential to transform businesses in ways that we can’t
even imagine.

There are two main ways that generative AI can be used:


Finding the Right Balance Between Moonshots and Mundane in AI

When considering the application of advanced AI in companies, one prominent concept is the creation of a highly intelligent chatbot. Imagine a chatbot that’s always ready to provide information about the company’s current happenings and even predict future developments. Can such a chatbot be successful? Well, it’s a possibility, but there are several factors to ponder, and doubts linger about whether people would fully trust such a system.

Another aspect of AI’s potential impact on businesses often goes overlooked. It involves simplifying everyday tasks through AI. Under this approach, companies would select different AI tools for various tasks, taking into account factors like their effectiveness, cost, and privacy. Teams would then utilize these tools to address their specific challenges. This democratizes technology, empowers individuals, and has the potential to significantly enhance productivity as teams devise their solutions.

Therefore, it’s essential to consider both avenues.

While pursuing ambitious AI projects is valuable, what’s even more critical is for companies to leverage AI to enhance routine tasks throughout the entire organization. Striking the right balance between allowing teams autonomy and maintaining some oversight is imperative.

Making Generative AI Work for Your Business

If you want to tap into the benefits of generative AI for your business, it’s vital to grasp its proper usage.

Take a look at these pointers to effectively apply generative AI to your business:


When we "fine-tune" an LLM or another Generative AI model using our own data, it allows the model to give very specific and accurate answers that are exactly what our business needs. This can be used for many things, like making it easier to review documents or creating smart systems to manage our knowledge.


We're finding out how these models react to different prompts. We want to create tools that help people send better prompts to make the models more useful. Once we figure out what works best, we'll make it standard practice within the enterprise.


LLMs struggle with the math and statistics needed for predictive models. When you combine an LLM's language skills with the strong math of a predictive model, you can create tailored content that influences actions effectively


The models won't always get it right, and not all their responses will be suitable. Offering feedback in a controlled manner will enhance the model and establish a scalable method for preserving institutional knowledge.

Scaling Generative AI for Enterprise Success

In the pursuit of achieving Generative AI capabilities at scale, enterprises must refrain from relying solely on a single, all-encompassing chatbot solution that is accurate, secure, and cost-effective for the entire enterprise. This approach poses significant risks and overlooks the numerous incremental enhancements readily within reach.

So, how can enterprises effectively expand the use of Generative AI across its operations? There are three fundamental pillars crucial for achieving this scalability:

Exploring Scalable Approaches for Generative AI

When considering the scalability of Generative AI, alongside traditional AI and machine learning, decision-makers must carefully assess various factors:
Similar to other technological pursuits, there are four primary pathways to consider


Traditional service providers, which organizations have collaborated with for many years, are now increasingly offering services to construct Generative AI-powered capabilities tailored for their corporate clients


As Generative AI becomes more popular, more startups are creating AI tools to help with specific business problems. For instance, some are making AI that helps salespeople write emails, and others are making AI to review contracts for people who buy things for a company


Technology teams in different companies have become very smart because of new ideas. They can make powerful computer programs using Generative AI. They mix free software with things from cloud computing companies.


Over the past decade, a new generation of software platforms has emerged, revolutionizing the way enterprises incorporate machine learning and AI capabilities into their operations. Among these platforms, People Tech’s Generative AI platforms stands as the recognized leader in this field.

Why You Need a Platform to Scale Generative AI

It’s crucial to make a smart choice when bringing Generative AI into your operations right from the beginning. This decision will impact your performance for a long time.

For most organizations, going with an AI platform is the best move. Why? Because it
lets you benefit from the good parts of other options while also fixing their downsides.

Here’s what a platform does:

Everyday AI Solutions Enabled by People Tech's Gen AI Platforms

People Tech’s core objective has always been to offer a versatile platform enabling businesses to swiftly incorporate the latest breakthroughs in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) into their technology infrastructure and operational workflows. The emergence of contemporary
Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) aligns seamlessly with this initial vision.

With People Tech’s capabilities, organizations gain the following advantages

Bring the power of generative AI to your real-world experiences

Explore the Gen AI Capabilities
Provided by People Tech Group

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