Application Migration to AWS Cloud: Enhancing Scalability and Efficiency
This case study focuses on a client with a complex application stack consisting of 26 different applications hosted on individual Oracle databases. However, maintaining the on-premises development and testing instances proved to be cumbersome and expensive. The client sought a solution to migrate their non-production environment to the cloud.
To address the challenges, the following steps were taken:
Analysis and Understanding:A thorough analysis of the application architecture was conducted to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
Migration to Scalable Cloud: The application was migrated to the AWS cloud to leverage its scalability and hosting services.
Recompilation and Issue Resolution: The application was recompiled in a Linux environment, resolving compatibility issues and ensuring optimal performance.
Custom Migration Tools: Custom tools were developed to streamline the migration of code and data to the Linux environment, facilitating a smooth transition.
The solution yielded the following outcomes:
Successful Porting to Linux: The application was effectively ported to a Linux environment, improving performance and compatibility.
Data and Tools Migration: 17 TB of data and all data publishing tools were successfully migrated to the AWS cloud, enhancing efficiency and accessibility.
Test Automation Suite: A robust test automation suite with over 600 test cases was developed, enabling efficient testing and quality assurance.
Compilation and Performance Enhancements: 74 components were compiled successfully on RHEL 7.3 Linux, resulting in smoother operation and a 75% improvement in login, search, and PDF download processes.
Reduced Infrastructure and Maintenance Costs: Migrating to the AWS cloud and consolidating data centers led to significant reductions in infrastructure and maintenance costs, allowing for more efficient resource allocation.