Azure Synapse and
Databricks Implementation
Databricks Implementation
Azure Synapse and
Databricks Implementation
Databricks Implementation
- Global Procurement is annually a multi billion-dollar transaction sector. The team wanted a modern data and analytics platform that supports their digital transformation journey.
- To review and analyze ERP data and domains across a variety of dimensions.
- Map data from ERP system to one taxonomy. Ability to drill down from summary scorecards into transaction level details.
- Need a solution where global users can access 24/7 and it has to be scalable for future capabilities.
- Develop a solution in Azure Synapse that handles concurrent customer requests and provide data with reduced time lag (less than 12 hours).
- A scalable and 24/7 available solution with automated data pipelines to feed the front-end apps (Power BI dashboards).
- Azure Synapse used as the major consumption layer for Dashboards and Reporting.
- Azure Data lake (Data in Delta format in ADLS Gen2) as consumption layer for Data Science (ML/AI).
- Azure Data Factory (ADF) is the primary orchestration tool & Databricks is the key transformation tool.
- Data is aggregated and fed into Power BI for spend and supplier performance dashboards for global procurement sector with adequate drill down capabilities.
- Data is processed, cleansed and enriched in the data lake and ready to consume in Synapse.
- Handled large amounts of global incoming data from many disparate formats and systems.
- Silver layer data ready to be consumed for ML/AI use cases.