General Motors

Business Problem

General Motors wanted was looking for a partner to help them in develop a more usable, cost-effective Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Car In-Vehicle-Infotainment system. ​

Time to market was slowed by the fact that the infotainment UI definition was defined in unstructured paper-based formats. ​

This made revisions from user clinics costly and communicating with suppliers a challenge.



People Tech implemented a new Design-to-Dev process where Photoshop designs could be generated into code that runs on prototype hardware and drive early user testing and refinement of the UI prior to development.

A custom UI design and generation process was developed. Graphics files are now structured in Photoshop formats following a standard grid framework and Style Guide.​

HMI definitions are generated into structured machine understandable metadata formats and user Interfaces are now integrated with a prototype workbench for early user clinics and localization validation.



Cycle time of Design to functional software components was reduced by a factor of ten.

Development costs were reduced by automating the process of developing the HMI.

Prototype development using UI Models on target hardware now supports early corrections in product engineering resulting in HMI that is more accurate and usable at a fraction of cost.

Under this program, we supplied over 60 different Software Applications including UI/UX with 2D & 3D Graphics and software to run on the Android phones and Virtual Cockpit Hardware of the General Motors road vehicles.​

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