Implementation of PTF for regression testing for clients
One of the top tech leaders in the industry required reports on the usage of Bing and responses to calls to action in their campaigns. Previously, these reports were compiled manually twice a week and once a month, requiring nearly 9-man hours each time. The challenge was to process terabytes of data and deliver targeted reports with a short turnaround time.
- Automated all manual test cases
- Define Automation Strategy
- Conduct POC for PeopleTech's bolt-on application
Proposed Solution
- Identify all manual test cases
- Categorize Identified test cases into Category 1, 2 & 3
- Create a project plan to roll out identified test cases
- Implement PeopleTech's PTF bolt-on tool
- Create a script Repository for all automations
- Perform regression testing with all Category 1 test cases for one of the Tax Updates
Our client intiated a new project to split their HR & CS environments to prepare for the 9.2 upgrade. The PTF bolt-on tool will be utilized to perfoem end-to-end regression testing, covering all test cases.