Beyond the Sensor Suite Blog Feature Image

Beyond the Sensor Suite: Integrating Real-World Data for Robust ADAS

Welcome to a world where driving becomes a seamless and secure experience. The future of smart mobility is here, and with it comes a groundbreaking technology that enhances the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). In this article, we will unveil the secrets behind this innovative technology and explore how it is shaping the future of transportation.


The Insider Threat: How to Mitigate Cyber Risks from Employees 

Internal threats can often go undetected for extended periods, making them particularly dangerous. Employees with malicious intent or those who have been compromised by external actors can exploit their access to critical systems and data. The impact of internal threats can be severe, leading to financial loss, reputational damage, and legal consequences for the organization.

Blogs Generative AI

Deepfakes and the Future of Truth: The Need for Regulation of Generative AI  

The rapid advancement of technology has brought both incredible opportunities and new challenges, in this digital age. One such challenge is the rise of deepfakes, a term coined to describe highly realistic fake videos and voiceovers created through generative AI. Deepfakes have gained significant attention due to their potential to deceive and manipulate, threatening individuals, businesses, and society.

Blogs ERP
Crafting Customer Solutions Featured image

Crafting Customer Solutions – UKG’s Tailored Approach to Workforce Management

With UKG’s workforce management system, businesses can streamline their operations, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce costs, all while maximizing productivity and profitability. Learn more about how People Tec Group can help you understand the challenges of transitioning an organization from WFC to WFD and ensure change management and user adoption.


New Features in Workday 2023 R1

Explore the exciting new features introduced in Workday® 2023R1, focusing on how these updates empower HR and finance management. Delve into the latest tools, enhancements, and innovations that enable organizations to stay ahead in streamlining processes, optimizing workforce management, and driving better decision-making through Workday’s cutting-edge functionalities.

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